Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ugh, now it's my turn to feel awful...

Well, who didn't see this coming? You can always count on your family to share their germs. It could be worse, it's a long weekend, Billy is home to help and I have felt worse. It's like a raging sore throat, stuffy head combination, completely survivable.

Am I the only one planning Thanksgiving? Around here I tend to jump from one event to another from June (Father's Day and Billy's bday) and then I rest after New Years. Those 6 months cover all 7 birthdays, Halloween, our wedding anniversary, and the holidays through New Years. I rest January through May. :) So now that everyone has a Halloween costume and the decorations are out, I move on to the Thanksgiving/babies' birthday. Since Emi and Simon turn 2 in mid November, we are just planning a dinner at home with close friends and cupcakes. I figure when they start a preschool program and friends come into play, we'll start the big class parties. Thanksgiving will be tricky this year. 2 months ago my mom had to enter a nursing home for her Parkinson's. It had really become too much for my 75 year old father to continue home care. So now what do we do? Have him over for lunch, then we all go visit my mom in the late afternoon? Or is it just the 7 of us for the big meal? My brother and I are not close, so it will probably be a small affair, which is ok, we're going to have friends over a few days later to celebrate the babies' birthday and should be a lot of fun.

I have no idea why I just turned this blog into a Thanksgiving planner. On a related note, I just got a new gluten free ebook for Thanksgiving and I can't wait to flip through it to plan the menu. I should go, little ones need tending to....

.....Who is going to buy perfume from Lady Gaga? I just don't conjure up beautiful smells when I think of her.....


  1. Haha! I would never buy anything from Gaga..she is just...I don't even know the word for her! Welcome to blogging.. I am helplessly addicted! It happens.. I too have been thinking about Thanksgiving. I am ready.. I just want to cook and cook! Crazy! Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks April, especially for being my 1st comment! I am having fun, and I am now following you!

