Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Need About 3 Days Of Sleep, and Go Me, I Am A Solid Size 6!

What a busy week! Between science projects and wax museum characters due before Spring Break and the shorties with double ear infections, I am wiped out. Let me tell you, when I collapse into bed at 10, sure to get a solid 8 hours, I am up at 2 am wide awake. Last night I was awake listening to dogs outside, my husband breathing, whatever making noise. I have no idea what is going on, but I stayed awake for 2 hours being seriously annoyed with myself.  I am hoping for better luck tonight, Melatonin in hand and bed by 9:30. My kids are having sleepovers tomorrow night and I'm going to need my strength. :)

Yesterday I ran to buy Kevin a tie for his museum costume and decided to hit the clearance in my department. I picked up all size 8, and they were all big! WHOO HOO!!! I ended up only buying one pair, but hey, I am a solid size 6 and quite the happy camper about it. Toiling away and counting my points, measuring everything and I am at an all time low weight. I am so excited. I'd love to lose maybe 3-4  more pounds, but really I am happy with right now. I swear by Weight Watchers, I really do. I have always had success with them and maintained when I was aware. I say that because when I stop paying attention because I get too comfortable, the weight will creep back. It's an all the time thing, there is no way around that. But I am 5 months from 40. (Oh Lord, did I admit that?! I will be wearing all black that week when it comes...) And I wanted to be at a great, healthy weight at 40. So YAY ME! Oh and if you are also doing WW, a great recipe site with amazing recipes is .

I better get myself off the computer, I have 20 minutes before big kids are home and I'd like to get a load of laundry in before that... Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for you! I completely understand that "awareness thing." After a good round of dieting and being health conscious, if I so much as slack off a bit on the exercise or food watching, the weight jumps back on me.
