Friday, March 2, 2012

The Weekend Is Coming, The Scale Is Moving Downwards, And Basketball Is Almost Over...

Wow, the week flew by. I don't know if it was my mad dash to finish all the tax stuff or what, but Friday showed up quickly around here... After many really depressing week end weigh ins, the scale has finally started moving down. I swear, it was stuck for WEEKS, no matter the work out or the diet. Then I started talking to my trainer Wednesday and I started to drop some of the weight. I don't care if that's not why it happened, but I choose to believe that my ranting to Hector made the difference. Why didn't I whine sooner?! Isn't that what he's there for?! Fingers crossed that it continues to move back down to my regular-pre Christmas weight. :)

Tomorrow is Kevin's last basketball game, Olivia and I can only go for the 1st half, she has tumbling to get to. :( I'd like to stay for the whole game, but then, I have 4 other kids. After Spring Break, Aaron takes over our schedules with soccer. He is so excited to start up again, I am just excited that he found a sport he genuinely likes and is good at. I mean, who wants their kid to love a sport that they are simply just awful at? Then Billy and I are turning to look at the summer schedule, we need to get sports camps in and swimming lessons for the shorties. The fact that summer is soon upon us is a bit unsettling...

I should go, the shorties are down for a nap, and therefore this is my only time to watch Breaking Dawn. Yes, I'll cop to watching the Twilight series. But Billy refuses to participate, so I watch 10-15 minutes at a time during nap. On a side note, we rented 50/50 and LOVED it. Laughed and cried through it and then I felt so grateful that Billy's cancer 12 years ago was what it was. He was so lucky to have just undergone surgery and radiation. We were truly blessed. Have a wonderful weekend....

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