Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why Do I Make These Promises???

Remember the "I will be blogging more regularly"? Yeah, me too... Ooops.... Do I have an excuse? 5 kids, I guess. But not really. We've pretty much have this family on a good schedule, even when multiple sports get added. You know what's really happening? I usually post at 2 times during the day. Nap and after bedtime for the shorties. Emi has stopped napping. I am still coming to grips with that. 3 years old and done. Olivia stopped napping early too, maybe it's a girl thing? The big problem is that Simon still naps. He needs them. So I end up dealing with Emi up and down from her bed trying to wake her twin. And after they go to bed for the night? I'm either fussing with older kids and homework or..... wasting time on the computer. Yes, I admit it. I am doing.... Nothing of significance. Sigh....

So here's the catch up from Super Bowl Sunday... First of all, Madonna bored me to tears. Seriously, I was just glad she was dressed. She is too old for half naked performances and I would say that if she was 40. She's 53. You can be beautiful and dressed. Glamorous and dressed. C'mon already...

So we ate and ate.... Bagels for breakfast, chowder for lunch... And dinner... I now LOVE lobster rolls. I have never had them, but Billy and I are sold. So yummy and a nice change for football food. Oh, and the kids had NY style pizza, they weren't interested in lobster.... Emi kept asking to pet the lobster she met the day before. I had to tell her daddy cooked him. :(

Pinchy and the kiddos

Notice the jerseys? The only way the Dallas Cowboys are going to have representation at the game. :) Side note, Kevin (far left) is wearing the jersey of the Cowboy Billy named him after. (middle name) Not making that up.... Simon was not in the mood for the game....

I hope you enjoyed the afternoon/evening as much as we did......

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