Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This Was The First Time She Didn't Know Who I Was....

This will be a short post, I am down and I feel like pouting. I went to see my mom in the nursing home like I do every week. My mom has Parkinson's with dementia. Today I walked in and said, "Hi Mom, what's new?" Just like every week. Today she looked up at me and said, "Are you my daughter?" I was dumbstruck. I knew that would happen one day, she occasionally doesn't recognize my husband when he visits. I just didn't think it was this soon. I told her who I was and she burst into tears. Ugh. My heart hurts. I tried to make chit chat about the kids (it was obvious she couldn't make the connection to them either) and then we just sat for awhile. The connection between my mom and I is slipping. My youngest children don't even really know her. Life stinks sometimes....

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