Friday, January 20, 2012

Another Week Has Come And Gone...

It's already Friday... Kevin's cough is much better, he should be good to go for tomorrow's early basketball game. Billy's back is better too, but I think I need to be taking the shorties to the bathroom for awhile... :) Best news of the week is that Emi's 3rd day of physical therapy has been taken off the schedule, she's had such improvement. So now both Emi and Simon have PT twice a week, and we will probably start occupational therapy for Simon in the spring.

Yesterday I had the most ridiculous conversation with Olivia's teacher. I've known all year that she is kind of crazy strict (Olivia once got her agenda signed for tossing a paper on a friend's desk.) but this just pushed it too far. Olivia and another student forgot to put their names on their papers. When they were passed back and graded, the boy got the paper with the 100 and Olivia got the 90. When Olivia looked at the paper, she recognized the 100 as her own. So the teacher tells her tough, you should have written your name on it. I.Don't.Think.So... The boy did the same thing and he's getting an extra 10 points?!?!? Mama Bear came out and I was livid. She was so condescending on the phone I wanted to slap her. I try to be understanding, I used to teach 7th grade, but when you can't even pretend to give a crap about what I'm saying, it's never going to be pretty.....

I'm having trouble losing holiday weight. I went back to the trainer and I've been counting my points, but nothing is happening. I am terrified that turning 40 has wrecked my ability to lose weight. I am really in the dumps and I hope that the weight loss comes soon. I'm only 5 pounds over my regular weight, but the jeans are too tight and I feel gross. Fingers crossed that the scale starts to cooperate. I mean why be sore if you can't tell?!?!

I have to go, I have 2 three year olds dumping play dough (sp?) everywhere... Have a good weekend!

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