Saturday, October 23, 2010

Maybe black pancakes for Halloween wasn't such a great idea...

So last night was breakfast for dinner and I decided we needed black pancakes and Kevin and I did spiderwebs. Then late this morning I get bathroom reports and a diaper that was clearly, um.... blue. So FYI, black food coloring enhanced pancakes equal next day blue poo. I'm just here to inform. :)

The weekend is shaping up nicely, tomorrow we're hitting the pumpkin patch if Miss Emi is feeling up for it. Right before bed, she started quite a cough and was really whiny. Fingers crossed that we're not entering a new week of illness. So pumpkin patch for pictures, the last of the laundry, Billy is on yard duty, and the boys are knee deep in a book report. I was hoping to get Olivia's accent wall painted, but I just don't see it happening tomorrow. I can probably get it done during a nap this week, one wall doesn't take too long. We are redoing her room a little bit, new bedding and paint and curtains to mature the room a bit. Nine is a tough age, she still has a ton of stuffed animals, but wants to be older too.

I am trying to breathe slowly as I see November on the horizon. The babies turn 2 right before Thanksgiving. That includes the annual horrifying trip to the portrait studio where one child will be an angel, smiling sweetly and the other will be channeling the anti-Christ. And it's not enough that I am batting .500, the anti-Christ channeler decides that it's not as much fun to push me to tears alone, that other kid must also suffer. He/she pokes, hits, you name it. Then we're all crying and I call it a day. At least shopping for the outfits will be fun, I do like to do my part for the economy. I'm also hoping to get all 5 kiddos to sit for the Christmas picture and then Thanksgiving will be here and we all know what that means. My babysitter graduates and moves on in 3 weeks and Christmas shopping needs to be done before she leaves.

I think I'm going to end this now, especially as I reread the next 6 weeks or so and I feel the need to quickly get a bottle of wine open. Have a good one....

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