That was quick... Except I find myself saying that more often on the last day of the year. I think it has to do with getting older and watching your children race to adulthood without asking me if that was ok. So many good and bad things happened, it's too much to list, and you probably don't want me to type out that list anyway. Needless to say, my kids got bigger, smarter, and older. My short stacks finally started talking. My mom had to be placed in a nursing home, watching your parents age and change from the people they have always been is hard to do.
Last night we went downtown for our annual Riverwalk dinner to see the Christmas lights. We tried a new Mexican restaurant, Acenar, that had a gluten free menu and it was really yummy.
Then on the way home we saw this.... (this is the highway we take home..)
I must say I have never seen a helicopter crash land on the highway. Luckily there were no injuries, the pilot hovered until the cars parted and he was able to safely put it down.
2011 starts soon, Billy and I will get back to working out and counting points. This year is going to be a big one, Billy and I both turn 40, my older boys will start middle school, and who knows what will become of Billy's business venture. I'm looking forward to it... Well, except that turning 40 part. We'll just skip that one... I'm hoping the blogging feels more natural, for all our sakes... Happy New Year!!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Everybody Has Those Christmas Moments That Make You Smile or Tear Up... And Then There Are Ryann Memories....
As I am watching 2010 come to a close I have been flipping through pictures on Facebook, organizing the new ones from Christmas and I have to tell you one of my favorites from this Christmas. We have the Little People's Nativity Scene and put it in reach of the shorties so they will hopefully never touch Mommy's breakable one. :) Anyway, we're knee deep in opening gifts Christmas morning when I see Simon playing with his new Leapfrog cooking set and I got this picture.
Yes, my sweet two year old is cooking Baby Jesus on Christmas morning. What have I done wrong???? Fast forward to midday and I am cleaning up and putting all the pieces back to the nativity and Baby Jesus is missing. I can't find him anywhere. So, being the perfect mom that I am, offer 50 cents to the first kid that finds Him so I can get somewhat organized and also save my youngest from damnation.
2 days later Kevin comes in from the backyard holding the Little People Baby Jesus, covered in dirt. Without skipping a beat, Aaron says, "well, He was killed and all, now He is risen." :O Gosh I love these kids....
What was one of your highlights??
Yes, my sweet two year old is cooking Baby Jesus on Christmas morning. What have I done wrong???? Fast forward to midday and I am cleaning up and putting all the pieces back to the nativity and Baby Jesus is missing. I can't find him anywhere. So, being the perfect mom that I am, offer 50 cents to the first kid that finds Him so I can get somewhat organized and also save my youngest from damnation.
2 days later Kevin comes in from the backyard holding the Little People Baby Jesus, covered in dirt. Without skipping a beat, Aaron says, "well, He was killed and all, now He is risen." :O Gosh I love these kids....
What was one of your highlights??
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Facebook Moral Dilemma--What To Do When Distant Family Friend Requests You...
Ugh... I love Facebook, I really do. I enjoy keeping up with friends I made in Connecticut, reconnecting with high school friends and acquaintances (and being nosy with high school people you weren't so close with--don't judge!) and posting an insane amount of pictures of my kiddos. But something about Facebook puts me in a little dilemma. What do you do when a family member, a distant one, finds you on FB? My aunt asked me a few weeks ago if I was on FB. I was just tickled that she was! I mean, I love to hear that 70 year olds are hip to the internets! So she found me, it's all good even though we aren't close and see each other rarely. Then another aunt sees me as a friend of the first aunt. Friend requests me. Now I haven't seen this aunt, maybe since my wedding 13 years ago?! But they're FAMILY, you can't say no. And honestly I have no reason to. Nothing I put on FB is scandalous or private, I'm not a fool. Aunt #2 quickly starts posting on my pics, comments on my postings, apparently she is the Facebook fan too. But now my moral dilemma... I have several cousins, kids of these women. I haven't seen them in at least 10 years, if not more. But they see me on their mom's lists, they comment on the same posts. Am I supposed to friend requests them? Am I rude not to? Are they not interested in me, hence no request from them OR are they offended right now, am I type, because I haven't requested them?!?! See what I mean? What do I do? My fab husband, when I told him my moral dilemma last night (let me preface by saying he is not really a people person) says, "look, delete them all and move on". Yep, tons of help... So here I am with no progress.....
And you know what else? There are a few people on there that I'd like to delete.... You know I totally can't do that either.... Pox on your house Facebook!!! (but I love you anyway....)
And you know what else? There are a few people on there that I'd like to delete.... You know I totally can't do that either.... Pox on your house Facebook!!! (but I love you anyway....)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Do You Know What SAHM's Would Totally Pay For?!?!?
Ok, I'm giving out my brilliant money making idea out only because I don't have the skills or ability to do this because I am at home with the shorties.... But I would pay serious cash for a mobile, drive to my house and wax my eyebrows.... Why doesn't this exist!?! They have mobile dog groomers. Should the family pet be more put together than the matriarch? I know I'm only thinking of this because my babysitter graduated and moved away, but seriously, why isn't anyone doing this?!?!? My eyebrows are begging for attention.... It would be a public service, giving back to your community and cashing in! Win-Win!!! Stay at home moms are bushy eyebrowed all over town and want to feel put together! Get on it! And advertise so I can get set up during my next nap time... Thank you very much.....
Saturday, December 25, 2010
When I Think of Christmas, Pouring Torrents of Rain Do Not Come to Mind...
Wow, it just got really dark and the rain just started coming down! Not going to be easy to maneuver all the kiddos to mass and dinner afterwards during a tidal wave... Oh well, I know our grass could use a drink, so we shall persevere! (However, I will not be blow drying my hair, no point in that...)
Today we wrapped a few things, Billy prepped his Christmas morning breakfast that he does every year and the kids finally got to sit and decorate their gingerbread house. This year we let the shorties in to help, and needless to say, they "helped". :)
(I am writing the 2nd half this post Christmas Day, yesterday I got lost in time...)
After mass we headed to the Magic Time Machine where our waitress was Lady Gaga and had a great time, just the fam. I missed my best friend and her family, but it was still a nice treat for my kids and they shorties started to get into the whole costume thing. Then we headed home, but peeps to bed and got our Santa on. The best part is we were totally done by 10. Worse part, I misplaced a huge chunk of Billy's stocking stuffers. :( And it's driving me crazy that I can't find it. But hey, who can complain with 5 kids and the presents are all done by 10pm?
This morning we instituted the 7am rule, which was nice and I'm sure next year we won't have due to the short stacks being 3 and out of cribs. But today was nice, the kids had a ball and I hope got everything they wanted. My dad came by with gifts and we also went to the nursing home to visit my mom.
I hope you got everything you were hoping for. Now I have to be REALLY good with food consumption for a week and then overindulge for New Years. It's all about moderation, right?? ;)
Today we wrapped a few things, Billy prepped his Christmas morning breakfast that he does every year and the kids finally got to sit and decorate their gingerbread house. This year we let the shorties in to help, and needless to say, they "helped". :)
(I am writing the 2nd half this post Christmas Day, yesterday I got lost in time...)
After mass we headed to the Magic Time Machine where our waitress was Lady Gaga and had a great time, just the fam. I missed my best friend and her family, but it was still a nice treat for my kids and they shorties started to get into the whole costume thing. Then we headed home, but peeps to bed and got our Santa on. The best part is we were totally done by 10. Worse part, I misplaced a huge chunk of Billy's stocking stuffers. :( And it's driving me crazy that I can't find it. But hey, who can complain with 5 kids and the presents are all done by 10pm?
This morning we instituted the 7am rule, which was nice and I'm sure next year we won't have due to the short stacks being 3 and out of cribs. But today was nice, the kids had a ball and I hope got everything they wanted. My dad came by with gifts and we also went to the nursing home to visit my mom.
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I guess one of us didn't get everything he wanted.... |
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My dad and Emi, they've become quite the twosome! |
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Aaron, my mom, Kevin, and Olivia |
I hope you got everything you were hoping for. Now I have to be REALLY good with food consumption for a week and then overindulge for New Years. It's all about moderation, right?? ;)
Monday, December 20, 2010
And Then There Are Those Strange Things That Happen at Christmastime....
So we're knee deep in Christmas break, took the kiddos minus one to the grocery store this morning, early because I don't like crowds. The weather is so warm out, I'm even considering shorts myself. Sun is shining, big kids are out front with their friends, it's all running smoothly. But a few hours ago, one of my boys came out back to tell me that there was a large basket out on the porch. "Umm, no one knocked?" "Nope, but I was by the window, I saw them. So, can I go get it?" With trepidation, because my automatic instinct is that it can't be good, why didn't they knock? Last I checked, people only "boo-ed" you at Halloween. This is obviously a goodwill gesture---but they don't want to have to talk to you to do it. See what I mean? Someone wants you to have a gift, but they're willing to risk getting caught by a 10 year old sneaking it to your door, because 50-50 chance they won't have to have a conversation with you. So, they ended up getting seen by the previously mentioned 10 year old, but WHEW, did NOT have to speak to anyone, goodwill done--win-win.... So strange... It was from my in laws, immediately the drop and run makes sense. A huge basket of gluten free goodies, Starbucks coffee beans, sweet stuff for the kidlets, and teas for Billy. Obviously a thoughtful gift, but I'm hoping that no one contracts anything from the second hand smoke that is emanating from the basket. It's hard to enjoy a cookie flavored with nicotine. It also had gift cards for the kids for Christmas, which my older ones will be thrilled to spend at Game Stop, but my two year olds will have a little more trouble deciding which game to play first, "Call of Duty" or "Grand Theft Auto"? What's a two year old to do??? :) (not really, just gift cards to a video game store is an odd match up for toddlers... Makes me wonder what my sister in law's toddler is doing... Ahhh, it's all good.... Even the 4 months late birthday card for Olivia was a nice touch... Have a failed to mention the uncomfortable and distant relationship we have with my in laws? We last saw them a year ago this week.... They live 15 minutes from here.
My best friend in the whole world is bailing out on Christmas Eve dinner. Boo hoo. Her mom is going through her first Christmas since my bf's dad died and shouldn't be alone this Christmas Eve. I told her to just bring her along, who doesn't love the Magic Time Machine?! And I think Christmas surrounded by 7 kids would be an awesome distraction... But she felt like it was an intrusion, so they're going to do something with her. I totally understand, but my Christmas Eve will be a little quieter... We'll just do our best to be a little louder, just to make up for the missing four. I think we can swing it. Maybe my dad will come along, this is his first Christmas with my mom in the nursing home.... It would be nice if he didn't go to Christmas mass alone.
I should bring this to a close, I'm supposed to be folding laundry while the shorties sleep. And I may need to turn on the air conditioning, it's got to be in the 80's outside!
EGAD: Shania Twain in a real life wife swap! Engaged to her ex-bf's hubby... The bf is who Shania's ex left her for.... Yuck....
My best friend in the whole world is bailing out on Christmas Eve dinner. Boo hoo. Her mom is going through her first Christmas since my bf's dad died and shouldn't be alone this Christmas Eve. I told her to just bring her along, who doesn't love the Magic Time Machine?! And I think Christmas surrounded by 7 kids would be an awesome distraction... But she felt like it was an intrusion, so they're going to do something with her. I totally understand, but my Christmas Eve will be a little quieter... We'll just do our best to be a little louder, just to make up for the missing four. I think we can swing it. Maybe my dad will come along, this is his first Christmas with my mom in the nursing home.... It would be nice if he didn't go to Christmas mass alone.
I should bring this to a close, I'm supposed to be folding laundry while the shorties sleep. And I may need to turn on the air conditioning, it's got to be in the 80's outside!
EGAD: Shania Twain in a real life wife swap! Engaged to her ex-bf's hubby... The bf is who Shania's ex left her for.... Yuck....
Saturday, December 18, 2010
One Week Until Christmas, I Wonder What I'm Forgetting to Do...
Since our Christmas tree is in reaching from the shorties, (hence the ornaments on the top half of the tree) I haven't been able to start wrapping gifts. My only fear is that I'm going to be wrapping gifts a day or two before Christmas and realize I forgot something. I really need to go to the gift closet and take inventory. I was kind of lucky this year, my older boys asked for kind of pricey electronics and Olivia wanted another American Girl doll. Well, when they want one particular big gift, there's not a ton of shopping left to do. (Of course if you asked my UPS guy, he'd disagree. ) And the shorties are two, so there just doesn't need to be a huge stash of presents. In our house, Santa brings three gifts to represent the gifts the 3 Kings brought, and then the rest comes from mom and dad. So I just need to make sure everything is there and that we have enough tape and paper to get it all done. I doubt Billy wants to make a Walgreen's run for paper and bows on Christmas Eve. :)
I tell ya, every year Amazon gets me with their toy sales around Christmas. I have a 3 month free membership to Prime, so free shipping. But every year I grab a bunch of stuff that's 50-75% off and put it away for birthdays and unexpected party invitations. It's been nice to have stuff stored away, my mom taught me well. Shop the deals and store away. :)
My best friend's family and ours get together every Christmas Eve after mass and have dinner together at the Magic Time Machine.
The waitstaff dresses up as different characters (one year we had the Grinch and it was awesome!) and stay in character throughout the meal. The place is casual and loud and perfect for 7 kids and we look forward to it every year. My kids have already double checked that it's still on this year. I am so grateful to have a best friend for so long and that our kids all get along well. Beyond that dinner, our family (just the 7 of us) goes out to eat on the Riverwalk so we can enjoy the lights, it is really one of the best places to be at Christmas.
Now as I type, I should be doing the laundry, cleaning bathrooms, but here I am, wet clothes ready to move to the dryer and I can't even imagine what the kids' bathroom looks like right now. But here I am on the couch with my shorties watching Baby Einstein, Kevin nearby half asleep and feeling like death. So we will get to the chores later. They'll still be there when my kids are asleep. I am really blessed to be here with these beautiful kids and life. All the dirty laundry that they seem to generate hourly can wait for now, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star needs to be sung..... at least 10 times.... :)
I tell ya, every year Amazon gets me with their toy sales around Christmas. I have a 3 month free membership to Prime, so free shipping. But every year I grab a bunch of stuff that's 50-75% off and put it away for birthdays and unexpected party invitations. It's been nice to have stuff stored away, my mom taught me well. Shop the deals and store away. :)
My best friend's family and ours get together every Christmas Eve after mass and have dinner together at the Magic Time Machine.
The waitstaff dresses up as different characters (one year we had the Grinch and it was awesome!) and stay in character throughout the meal. The place is casual and loud and perfect for 7 kids and we look forward to it every year. My kids have already double checked that it's still on this year. I am so grateful to have a best friend for so long and that our kids all get along well. Beyond that dinner, our family (just the 7 of us) goes out to eat on the Riverwalk so we can enjoy the lights, it is really one of the best places to be at Christmas.
Now as I type, I should be doing the laundry, cleaning bathrooms, but here I am, wet clothes ready to move to the dryer and I can't even imagine what the kids' bathroom looks like right now. But here I am on the couch with my shorties watching Baby Einstein, Kevin nearby half asleep and feeling like death. So we will get to the chores later. They'll still be there when my kids are asleep. I am really blessed to be here with these beautiful kids and life. All the dirty laundry that they seem to generate hourly can wait for now, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star needs to be sung..... at least 10 times.... :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Break Has Started Along with the Baking....
Well, I am finally done with all the goodies for teachers. The kids and I really dug in and made some super yummy treats (Well, the kids told me they were yummy, they weren't gluten free, so I just have to trust.). We did the Oreo Truffles from A Southern Fairytale's blog and cranberry nut bread (old recipe of ours), and Smores on a Stick from Saucy's Sprinkles . We had to get boxes filled for 10 teachers/staff, so I am baked out... For now. ;) I have a few more recipes that I have found while blogging that I am dying to try while changing them to gluten free. I mean, who wants to bake and bake and not partake??? I am not that strong. :) So we'll take a few days off and then pull out the mixing bowls again. (I REALLY want a stand mixer, I think I may start to save up for one.) And we still have the annual gingerbread house to decorate. This year the shorties are going to participate, should make for messy pictures...
I can't believe that my kids are home for Christmas break already. Kevin was home today and I had to take him to the doctor, fever of 102 and a terrible sore throat. I figured strep, luckily I was wrong and it's viral. So he missed the Christmas parties and the sing-a-longs that the kids really look forward to doing. Oh well, I enjoyed his company today and he did get a lot of sleep in. Poor kid really sounds awful though...
I can't believe that my kids are home for Christmas break already. Kevin was home today and I had to take him to the doctor, fever of 102 and a terrible sore throat. I figured strep, luckily I was wrong and it's viral. So he missed the Christmas parties and the sing-a-longs that the kids really look forward to doing. Oh well, I enjoyed his company today and he did get a lot of sleep in. Poor kid really sounds awful though...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Why Do My Christmas Sugar Cookies Always Look Like Accident Victims??
Almost every year I try to make those adorably frosted cookie cutter sugar cookies... I just can't. I don't have the gene for it. They always look like accident victims... Gingerbread men with misshapen heads and angels with one wing or one foot. Truly a horrific site. And poor Olivia is standing there with me excited that we may get it this time, I mean this year we poured over blogs and drooled over these beautiful works of art...
She is truly gifted, you should take a moment to browse her beautiful cookies....
So I watched her tutorials... I bought all my supplies... And we set to bake... And then we looked at our finished product... I couldn't even take a picture, it seemed disrespectful... :) But they tasted good... And we had a lot of fun. That's what's most important, I know.... But why can't I make pretty cookies??? Another one of life's great mysteries....
So this coming week is going to be a busy one. This is my last week with my wonderful and lovely babysitter. I have been lucky enough to have her since the shorties were 5-6 months old and spoiled to be able to get errands run all by myself, haircuts and eyebrows waxed alone. I have been able to zip over to the nursing home and visit with my mom alone, schedule doctor appointments easily, all of it. And now she dares to graduate college and move home and USE HER DEGREE?!?! Ugh, so selfish.... Truly, I was in such a lucky position to be able to have her, lucky to find such a great fit for our family, and I am now going to readjust to the shorties and I 24/7. I'm sure I sound really spoiled, but it is going to be an adjustment. Running into Walgreen's for that one item isn't going to be such a quick run. Two 2 year olds are harder than one. But I've been here before, I was actually in a rougher position before, when the older boys were 2, I also had Olivia as a one year old. So this is just going to take a bit of adjustment and the shorties are going to have to get used to more errands and store experiences. We shall overcome....
I have to bake like a mad woman this week (I know, no more cookies). I have loads of teachers to get baskets ready for and 2 speech therapists and one physical therapist. I'm going to do these super cute chocolate covered marshmallows, Oreo truffles, banana nut bread, and maybe this white chocolate popcorn thing that I saw online. I hope to make it out of the week with less than a 10 pound weight gain. At least the Oreo truffles are off limits since they aren't gluten free. School Christmas parties on Friday and then I have all five of my sweeties home for 2 weeks. Have a great Monday!
She is truly gifted, you should take a moment to browse her beautiful cookies....
So I watched her tutorials... I bought all my supplies... And we set to bake... And then we looked at our finished product... I couldn't even take a picture, it seemed disrespectful... :) But they tasted good... And we had a lot of fun. That's what's most important, I know.... But why can't I make pretty cookies??? Another one of life's great mysteries....
So this coming week is going to be a busy one. This is my last week with my wonderful and lovely babysitter. I have been lucky enough to have her since the shorties were 5-6 months old and spoiled to be able to get errands run all by myself, haircuts and eyebrows waxed alone. I have been able to zip over to the nursing home and visit with my mom alone, schedule doctor appointments easily, all of it. And now she dares to graduate college and move home and USE HER DEGREE?!?! Ugh, so selfish.... Truly, I was in such a lucky position to be able to have her, lucky to find such a great fit for our family, and I am now going to readjust to the shorties and I 24/7. I'm sure I sound really spoiled, but it is going to be an adjustment. Running into Walgreen's for that one item isn't going to be such a quick run. Two 2 year olds are harder than one. But I've been here before, I was actually in a rougher position before, when the older boys were 2, I also had Olivia as a one year old. So this is just going to take a bit of adjustment and the shorties are going to have to get used to more errands and store experiences. We shall overcome....
I have to bake like a mad woman this week (I know, no more cookies). I have loads of teachers to get baskets ready for and 2 speech therapists and one physical therapist. I'm going to do these super cute chocolate covered marshmallows, Oreo truffles, banana nut bread, and maybe this white chocolate popcorn thing that I saw online. I hope to make it out of the week with less than a 10 pound weight gain. At least the Oreo truffles are off limits since they aren't gluten free. School Christmas parties on Friday and then I have all five of my sweeties home for 2 weeks. Have a great Monday!
Friday, December 10, 2010
There are Days When I Don't Like Parenting....
And today is one of those days.... I always love my kids, but honestly I don't always love parenting the icky parts of it. I mean who does?! Who looks forward to punishing or yelling or just the feeling of being so disappointed in your child and yourself, because of course, this would not be happening if you had been a better parent, if you hadn't let them watch so much tv, or not eat as many sweets... So here we are with one of our beautiful children, not acting so beautiful... And what is really killing Billy and I is that we just can't see that he WANTS to change. We don't know that he feels disappointment in himself, that he is beating himself up inside over his choices throughout the day. He cries, he does a great sad face, but then he jumps right back in at school and doesn't finish homework, forgets it at school, "didn't know about the assignment". (that's my favorite, the whole class kept it as a secret from you, dude) You don't want to think that this is who he is. That this child that is so unbelievably smart, just doesn't care to learn or achieve. It's just hard. :(
So after taking away privileges (doesn't work), doing push ups (works a little), and pulling allowance, we're sitting here wondering what next. He's TEN. Eight more years of this God knows what. So think happy thought for us, he is such a sweet, smart boy and could be whatever he wanted. He just doesn't want to be anything. My hope is that this is immaturity, that he will (hopefully soon!) find that desire to accomplish things, take pride in his work and himself. That's all I want for him....
Have a wonderful weekend, good luck if you have the Christmas shop.....
So after taking away privileges (doesn't work), doing push ups (works a little), and pulling allowance, we're sitting here wondering what next. He's TEN. Eight more years of this God knows what. So think happy thought for us, he is such a sweet, smart boy and could be whatever he wanted. He just doesn't want to be anything. My hope is that this is immaturity, that he will (hopefully soon!) find that desire to accomplish things, take pride in his work and himself. That's all I want for him....
Have a wonderful weekend, good luck if you have the Christmas shop.....
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Gastro Scope and Some Temporary Single Parenting.....
So yesterday was a LONG one.... Billy has been dealing with a lot of reflux issues and so I sent him to my trusted G.I. doctor (love, love, love Dr. Zurita!) and they scheduled an upper scope. So after the scope, he was SO stoned from the sedative, he opened his eyes and said, "You're so pretty... You're like the iron gates on Post." Ummm, ok? I truly felt like a princess with that line! I'm as pretty as iron fencing! Too funny. Anyway, every time the nurse left I leaned over and told him, "you have to wake up faster, we have to be home by 3 for the sitter!" Quite the Florence Nightingale, right? So I got him home in time, shooed him off to bed and then rushed everyone with dinner and homework because we had the Winter Concert that Kevin and Olivia were in that night. Really not the best day for a drugged hubby...
The kids were great, Kevin has progressed more on the violin that I had thought, and the kids' choir is really awesome. I was really thrilled to find out that both Kevin and Olivia had auditioned for a song and along with 10 other kids were picked. Proud mommy! Did I forget to mention that the video camera battery was dead? Ugh, perfect ending to a crazy day. Luckily, they perform again for the students and I zipped up there today and taped the whole thing.
So today, no rest for the weary. Billy got up and left for Houston and I single parented for the day and now into the night. He doesn't have these business trips all that often, I really can't complain. And when he is gone, I refuse to dirty the kitchen. :) McDonald's for the kids and I got a Greek salad. Totally yummy. So here I am, 4 kids in bed and one laying next to me waiting for her nose to stop bleeding. (and yes, I am typing while she gushes, I'm super hands-on. She's been having a lot of nose bleeds since the weather changed...) Every one got everything done, and my great guy should be home some time soon.
Tomorrow I need to make fudge for Kevin's class and the shorties have therapy. Busy but good. And closer to Christmas....
The kids were great, Kevin has progressed more on the violin that I had thought, and the kids' choir is really awesome. I was really thrilled to find out that both Kevin and Olivia had auditioned for a song and along with 10 other kids were picked. Proud mommy! Did I forget to mention that the video camera battery was dead? Ugh, perfect ending to a crazy day. Luckily, they perform again for the students and I zipped up there today and taped the whole thing.
So today, no rest for the weary. Billy got up and left for Houston and I single parented for the day and now into the night. He doesn't have these business trips all that often, I really can't complain. And when he is gone, I refuse to dirty the kitchen. :) McDonald's for the kids and I got a Greek salad. Totally yummy. So here I am, 4 kids in bed and one laying next to me waiting for her nose to stop bleeding. (and yes, I am typing while she gushes, I'm super hands-on. She's been having a lot of nose bleeds since the weather changed...) Every one got everything done, and my great guy should be home some time soon.
Tomorrow I need to make fudge for Kevin's class and the shorties have therapy. Busy but good. And closer to Christmas....
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Lazy Sunday and I Finished the Christmas Cards!
I feel like it's a lazy day because I am sitting here with my laptop in the middle of the day, but I guess we have gotten a lot accomplished. Billy is under the weather, so he's asleep and so are the short stacks. Big kids are biking out front and I am sitting here in silence. I finished at least 10 loads of laundry this weekend, so it's break time.
We did the pic of the kids for the annual Christmas card. I did a collage card with 4 different shots, but I'm just going to post one to give you the gist. They're all baking (umm, basically eating frosting) and the bottom said, "here's to mixing it up, Merry Christmas from the Ryanns" Here's one shot: (ok, make that two)
I have such great kids that put up with my insane requests. I had them have a flour fight out back and then come inside and fake bake. :) (somehow they didn't seem to mind the frosting everywhere part!) I will say, the laundry afterwards was sticky and pretty gross. But mission accomplished and all I need to do is pick up the cards tonight and get them mailed.
I hope Billy shakes off whatever he's feeling. He has a scope scheduled for Tuesday, he's had really terrible reflux and our gastro guy wants to take a look. Funny to share your gastro doctor with your hubby. I have a great one for my Celiac's, I just love him. I need doctors that have a really calm, laid back attitude or I'm just uncomfortable. And who really wants to discuss the unpleasantness of getting ill from cross contamination of gluten? It's a yucky topic, so a doctor that is really easy to talk to makes a big difference to me. I also have Kevin's orthodontist appointment tomorrow to pick up his retainer. He chose a glow in the dark one. Ugh, boys.... :) So busy week with appointments and the last of Christmas shopping for me. I have some returns to make, stocking stuffers to buy and then I want to start some holiday baking. Any good ideas for Christmas goodies? We always do fudge and some type of bread (banana, cranberry, etc) , but I'd love to try something new. Olivia and I will probably try our hand at cake pops again, we're determined to get those things right. If you haven't seen Bakerella's work, you simply can't miss her blog and new cookbook! It's on my list for Santa, I hope my bald, goateed Santa gets it for me. :)
So that's our weekend in a nutshell. My kids have 2 more weeks of school before break, and I have 2 more weeks of my wonderful nanny. I have been so lucky to have someone watch my shorties to make doctor appts and errands easy for me for the past year and a half. But she is graduating college and going back home and the short stacks and I are going to have to come to an agreement on shopping and dentists. :) They're totally fine at the grocery store, it's the quicker stops to the smaller stores that don't have my favorite double baskets that are the trying ones. Yesterday we went to Walgreens, you know, where everything possible is at eye level to the shortest among us?! "Running in just for laundry detergent" took on a whole new meaning! :O Ahh, but we shall overcome and soon I will be boohoo ing over how old my babies have gotten and how much I miss their toddler years.....
We did the pic of the kids for the annual Christmas card. I did a collage card with 4 different shots, but I'm just going to post one to give you the gist. They're all baking (umm, basically eating frosting) and the bottom said, "here's to mixing it up, Merry Christmas from the Ryanns" Here's one shot: (ok, make that two)
I hope Billy shakes off whatever he's feeling. He has a scope scheduled for Tuesday, he's had really terrible reflux and our gastro guy wants to take a look. Funny to share your gastro doctor with your hubby. I have a great one for my Celiac's, I just love him. I need doctors that have a really calm, laid back attitude or I'm just uncomfortable. And who really wants to discuss the unpleasantness of getting ill from cross contamination of gluten? It's a yucky topic, so a doctor that is really easy to talk to makes a big difference to me. I also have Kevin's orthodontist appointment tomorrow to pick up his retainer. He chose a glow in the dark one. Ugh, boys.... :) So busy week with appointments and the last of Christmas shopping for me. I have some returns to make, stocking stuffers to buy and then I want to start some holiday baking. Any good ideas for Christmas goodies? We always do fudge and some type of bread (banana, cranberry, etc) , but I'd love to try something new. Olivia and I will probably try our hand at cake pops again, we're determined to get those things right. If you haven't seen Bakerella's work, you simply can't miss her blog and new cookbook! It's on my list for Santa, I hope my bald, goateed Santa gets it for me. :)
So that's our weekend in a nutshell. My kids have 2 more weeks of school before break, and I have 2 more weeks of my wonderful nanny. I have been so lucky to have someone watch my shorties to make doctor appts and errands easy for me for the past year and a half. But she is graduating college and going back home and the short stacks and I are going to have to come to an agreement on shopping and dentists. :) They're totally fine at the grocery store, it's the quicker stops to the smaller stores that don't have my favorite double baskets that are the trying ones. Yesterday we went to Walgreens, you know, where everything possible is at eye level to the shortest among us?! "Running in just for laundry detergent" took on a whole new meaning! :O Ahh, but we shall overcome and soon I will be boohoo ing over how old my babies have gotten and how much I miss their toddler years.....
Friday, December 3, 2010
Pizza Friday Means the Kitchen Stays Clean.....
This week went by pretty quick, didn't it? I got the shorties 2 year pictures done, forgot one of my kids at school, and managed to get the boys' book reports done and out the door. Can't complain really. I visited with my mom today at the nursing home. These days are always hard, it's hard to sit and realize that the woman you grew up with isn't there any more. I miss her so much. This is our first Christmas with her not at home. On a positive note, my dad has simply amazed me. He sits with her every afternoon, no matter what, no matter what she says to him, he is there. Real, true long lasting love. :)
Christmas cards are beginning to arrive and I feel so behind. I usually have them out by the first of December and this year I don't even have the kids' picture taken yet. I plan on torturing them Sunday, fingers crossed that I get a good pic or at least, everyone's eyes open and facing the camera. Hopefully I will have pictures to post by the end of the weekend. Or some really awful ones... Either way we'll have some kind of picture to mail out.
Luckily for me, the scale numbers seem to be back on the decline after the Thanksgiving holidays. I partook in way too many desserts and boy that scale didn't lie. The struggle now is not to start baking too soon. But most blogs I read everyone is baking like crazy. And Bakerella?! Ahhh, the cake pops that I can never make cute. My daughter and I try and try, but they always look really funky. And not in a good way. Well, I should bring this to an end and spend some time with my great guy. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.....
Christmas cards are beginning to arrive and I feel so behind. I usually have them out by the first of December and this year I don't even have the kids' picture taken yet. I plan on torturing them Sunday, fingers crossed that I get a good pic or at least, everyone's eyes open and facing the camera. Hopefully I will have pictures to post by the end of the weekend. Or some really awful ones... Either way we'll have some kind of picture to mail out.
Luckily for me, the scale numbers seem to be back on the decline after the Thanksgiving holidays. I partook in way too many desserts and boy that scale didn't lie. The struggle now is not to start baking too soon. But most blogs I read everyone is baking like crazy. And Bakerella?! Ahhh, the cake pops that I can never make cute. My daughter and I try and try, but they always look really funky. And not in a good way. Well, I should bring this to an end and spend some time with my great guy. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.....
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
How do You Know When You're Over Extended? When You Forget One of Your Kids at School...
I wish I was making this up. Yesterday they switched one of my kid's after school clubs and I guess I couldn't handle the upheaval. I went and picked up one kid right after school, then a half hour later, picked up the second. Then I started talking to a mom that had stopped by to pick something up and before I knew it, the school was calling. I just felt so bad. Way worse than he did. Do you know how embarrassing that is?? The mom that I was talking to jumped in her car to get him (way faster than me packing up 4 kids and thank God the school is inside my neighborhood!) and I stayed home and felt awful. I gave him 50 cents. I hugged him dearly. (I think he appreciated the money more than the rib crushing hug.) I've probably scarred him and it will affect him in future relationships with women. The good news, (and yes, I must find a silver lining.) is that he wasn't the only kid waiting and I'm SURE the other moms that forget their kids don't have 5 kids. I mean it's hard to keep count, I probably thought he was in the next room. :)
Christmas decorations are up and beautiful.. I am worried about the shorties and the tree. I haven't put up the ornaments and I think I probably won't decorate the tree bottom. The best part is that I am finished my Christmas shopping minus teachers. No more packed stores for me. I think I'll just to gift cards for teachers, keep it easy and that's what I would want. I couldn't even tell you how many freaking coffee mugs filled with Hershey's Kisses I got when I was teaching. A Starbucks GC would have made me giddy. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the sentiment, I knew the kids (their parents) were thinking of me. I just ended up with A LOT of coffee cups. :)
My husband is in the process of incorporating his business. EEK. This new venture is becoming real... I just sit and watch from the sidelines, but he is truly so excited and has worked so hard. So we will cheer him on from our perspective and maybe I will post some links to his patent earwear. Then you can see what we hope will one day soon be in stores and on people walking down the street.
EGAD: I forgot my kid at school, that's the EGAD for today!!!!
Christmas decorations are up and beautiful.. I am worried about the shorties and the tree. I haven't put up the ornaments and I think I probably won't decorate the tree bottom. The best part is that I am finished my Christmas shopping minus teachers. No more packed stores for me. I think I'll just to gift cards for teachers, keep it easy and that's what I would want. I couldn't even tell you how many freaking coffee mugs filled with Hershey's Kisses I got when I was teaching. A Starbucks GC would have made me giddy. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the sentiment, I knew the kids (their parents) were thinking of me. I just ended up with A LOT of coffee cups. :)
My husband is in the process of incorporating his business. EEK. This new venture is becoming real... I just sit and watch from the sidelines, but he is truly so excited and has worked so hard. So we will cheer him on from our perspective and maybe I will post some links to his patent earwear. Then you can see what we hope will one day soon be in stores and on people walking down the street.
EGAD: I forgot my kid at school, that's the EGAD for today!!!!
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