Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Gastro Scope and Some Temporary Single Parenting.....

So yesterday was a LONG one....  Billy has been dealing with a lot of reflux issues and so I sent him to my trusted G.I. doctor (love, love, love Dr. Zurita!) and they scheduled an upper scope.  So after the scope, he was SO stoned from the sedative, he opened his eyes and said, "You're so pretty... You're like the iron gates on Post." Ummm, ok? I truly felt like a princess with that line! I'm as pretty as iron fencing! Too funny.  Anyway, every time the nurse left I leaned over and told him, "you have to wake up faster, we have to be home by 3 for the sitter!"  Quite the Florence Nightingale, right?  So I got him home in time, shooed him off to bed and then rushed everyone with dinner and homework because we had the Winter Concert that Kevin and Olivia were in that night.  Really not the best day for a drugged hubby...

The kids were great, Kevin has progressed more on the violin that I had thought, and the kids' choir is really awesome.  I was really thrilled to find out that both Kevin and Olivia had auditioned for a song and along with 10 other kids were picked.  Proud mommy!  Did I forget to mention that the video camera battery was dead?  Ugh, perfect ending  to a crazy day.  Luckily, they perform again for the students and I zipped up there today and taped the whole thing.

So today, no rest for the weary.  Billy got up and left for Houston and I single parented for the day and now into the night.  He doesn't have these business trips all that often, I really can't complain.  And when he is gone, I refuse to dirty the kitchen.  :)  McDonald's for the kids and I got a Greek salad.  Totally yummy.  So here I am, 4 kids in bed and one laying next to me waiting for her nose to stop bleeding. (and yes, I am typing while she gushes, I'm super hands-on.  She's been having a lot of nose bleeds since the weather changed...)  Every one got everything done, and my great guy should be home some time soon. 

Tomorrow I need to make fudge for Kevin's class and the shorties have therapy.  Busy but good.  And closer to Christmas....

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