Thursday, September 15, 2011

After Shots To The Neck, We Needed A Slow Day...

So yesterday just went on and on... I decided today was just going to be a lot of nothing. So we went to Target. :) Nice.... We picked up a few birthday presents for Olivia, some adorable and unnecessary clothes for Emi. :) Finished up with the free cookie for the shorties and we went home. No pressure, no rush... It was so nice and I couldn't have asked for better behavior from Simon and Emi. Total win. Whew....

I have got to figure out a better 3-5pm plan. Somehow it ends up being the worse part of the day. The shorties want attention from their older sibs that have been gone all day. Big kids have to start homework and need help. Oh and I have to make dinner and corral said shorties out of the kitchen. I get short tempered, I'm trying to explain a math concept, make chicken parm and entertain little ones. It's too much and I can't feed everyone crock pot dinners every day. My mom used to cook on Sundays and freeze stuff, but I'd hate to go that route. I mean, it usually wasn't good....

So I need to get in the real swing of planning Olivia's slumber party. I am not good at games and stuff, so I need to figure out what exactly we're going to do with 10 girls. :) I'm really hoping they watch a movie or karaoke. That would be easy to do.... Well, I suppose I should go and have some kind of conversation with my husband some time today. :)

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