Saturday, September 10, 2011

So I Seriously Underestimated The Emotional Stability Of A Fifth Grade Girl...

Good Lord, this child is an emotional tsunami! Yesterday I was all excited that Olivia's teacher had been reassigned. She even was placed in the classroom she originally wanted and with her bestie. So I go to pick her up (she called for a ride, that should have tipped me off...) and the minute her booty hit the seat she burst into tears. I mean bawling, not a tear quietly streaming down the cheek. Sigh... When I asked her why she was so upset when the day before she was complaining about not being able to ask too many questions. Her reply? "But that was only one thing! She was getting nicer." Aaacckkk..... Thank God for her best friend, once they were on the phone and acting silly, she was happy again... For a few hours...

Friday night movie was "Big". The kids really liked it and Billy and I heard jokes that we didn't get when we watched it when it first came out. Then, according to Billy, who is in charge of bedtime, Olivia started crying again. I hate to admit it, but she gets it from me....

Kids start CCD tomorrow, I hope they like it. If we're lucky, someone they know from school will be in there. Tonight I need to finish my preschool homework. Family picture collages... I am so uncreative, I don't enjoy these projects. There's always some super mom that creates some amazing poster and then everybody else feels like a loser. :) Tomorrow I plan on watching a lot of 9/11 specials and crying through most of them. Have a good one!

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